Growing up, I loved Dr. Seuss books. Ironically, for the future podiatrist, my favorite one was, “The Foot Book”. I can remember it so clearly…“Slow feet, quick feet. Trick feet, sick feet. Up feet, down feet. Here come clown feet. Small feet, big feet. Here come pig feet. His feet, her feet, Fuzzy fur feet. In the house and on the street, how many, many feet you meet.” And oh, how many feet I have met indeed over the course of my career. I’ve definitely seen my fair share of sick feet, many runners (quick feet) and maybe a fuzzy foot or two. Not sure what a trick foot is, but I‘m up for the challenge!
Perhaps it was the silly nature of his books or the easy rhyme that lent itself to memory, but I could recite each page many years later. As a physician, and as a human being, there are many simple lessons to learn from Dr. Seuss. Here are a few of my favorites:
“Today you are You, that is truer than true.
There is no one alive who is You-er than You.”
-Dr. Seuss’ Happy Birthday to You
I recently read this book to my daughter, Reagan, who received it as a birthday gift. I hope this one sticks with her as she grows. You have got to meet this girl! She has such a spunky, sassy, loving personality and it is what makes her uniquely Reagan. Like my daughter, it’s a joy to discover the wonderful personalities and unique stories of each of my patients. It’s also my joy to see the character of my patients strengthened during the course of their treatment – whether that is being brave for an injection for plantar fasciitis or committing to physical therapy after an ankle fracture fixation.
Unless someone like you cares a’whole awful lot,
Nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”
- The Lorax
As a physician, this is the golden rule. Our acts of kindness and care for our patients is of utmost importance and it makes all the difference in the world. The Hippocratic Oath that each doctor recites at the time of our induction into medicine, and promises to adhere to every day thereafter, calls us to not just “do no harm” but to do good and act in wisdom for the sake of providing the best care for our patients.
“The more that you read, the more things you will know.
The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go…”
“So be sure when you step,
Step with care and great tact.
And remember that life’s A Great Balancing Act.”
- Oh, the Places You’ll Go
This one always reminds me to be a lifelong learner. It doesn’t matter if you are fresh out of residency or 30 years into private practice; there is always room to learn and grow. And as a podiatrist, the biggest lesson I’ve learned over the years is to act with grace and tact with my patients and everyone else I meet!
Dr. Stephanie Varghese specializes in foot and ankle surgery and has a patient first focus; to schedule an appointment with Dr. Varghese, please call (484) 681-9485!
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